Golden Retriever with shiny coat

Is Fish Oil Good For Dog Shedding?

For dog owners, the sight of tufts of fur scattered across floors and furniture is familiar. After all, it's natural for our canine companions to shed.

However, when shedding season hits its peak, it can overwhelm even the most patient fur parent. Many seek solutions to calm the shedding storm.

In the quest to decode the mysteries of dog shedding, we often overlook a simple yet powerful solution: fish oil. This natural remedy can transform your dog’s coat from a shedding nightmare to a lustrous dream.

This blog untangles the strands of shedding, distinguishing between normal and its excessive counterpart. It will also discuss the various causes and shed light on the indispensable functions of a canine’s coat and skin.

Discover the transformative powers of fish oil for shedding dogs and give your canine companion a shinier, shed-free future.

What is Dog Shedding?

Dog shedding is the process by which dogs lose old or damaged hair. It’s a regular part of their growth cycle, allowing them to make room for new and healthy fur. Shedding varies greatly depending on various factors, such as breed, age, health, and season.

Normal vs. Excessive Dog Shedding

There is a misconception that long-haired dogs shed more. However, those with shorter fur tend to shed more as they have denser coats, but their short hair length makes it less noticeable.

“Normal” dog shedding differs depending on various factors, such as breed, anatomy, physiology, and genetics. A dog’s shedding baseline can be determined as soon as pet owners bring their furry companion home.

Some high-shedding dog breeds include:

  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Akitas
  • Chow Chows
  • Dalmatians
  • German Shepherds
  • Siberian Huskies

What Causes Excessive Dog Shedding

Nutritional Deficiencies

There are many dog foods available in the market. However, do they provide your pet with a well-balanced and nutritious diet?

When searching for what to feed your canine companion, it’s important to check the nutritional label. After all, a healthy diet makes for strong and resilient hair follicles. It must contain essential nutrients suitable for their age, lifestyle, and health. Moreover, it should contain a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids to help boost fur and coat health.

Seasonal Shedding

Climate and weather can affect your dog’s shedding behavior. Some dogs shed to adapt to the changing temperature. For instance, canines shed more in spring to avoid overheating, while they lose more fur in autumn to make room for their winter coat.

When choosing a dog breed, consider your geographic location. Choose a dog that can comfortably live in your area. For example, Samoyeds originate from Siberia, a region known for its frigid weather. Living in Florida or other tropical states may not be the best idea.


Stress can come in various forms, such as a sudden change in routine or welcoming a new family member into the home. Your pet can also experience anxiety during fireworks, thunderstorms, or even a trip to the veterinarian. 

Skin Parasites and Infections

Dogs with fleas, ticks, or mange mites may experience excessive scratching and shedding. These parasites cause itching, leading to more serious health issues, skin inflammation, and secondary infections.

We recommend providing year-round flea and tick preventatives, even if your pet remains indoors most of the time. After all, these parasites can ride on clothing or come through screened windows and doors. Talk to your veterinarian for recommendations of flea and tick medications for your canine companion.

Hormonal Imbalances and Other Underlying Diseases

Hormonal imbalances can manifest in excessive shedding. Pregnant canines and those who have recently given birth may experience excessive shedding as they run out of calcium and minerals during this phase, making it difficult to maintain healthy fur.

In more particular cases, excessive shedding indicates an underlying health issue, such as Cushing’s disease, ringworm, thyroid problems, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Coat and Skin Function in Dog’s Health

Protection Against External Elements

Just like human skin is a protective barrier for our bodies, your dog’s coat and skin shield it from various external elements. This includes protection against the sun’s harmful UV rays, reducing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Moreover, a thick coat reduces scrapes and scratches, keeping your canine companion’s skin smooth and in good condition, especially when doing outdoor activities.

Regulation of Body Temperature

Your pet’s coat and fur provide insulation and help regulate body temperature, keeping your canine companion warm in colder climates. A dense coat traps heat close to the pet's skin, helping it maintain a comfortable body temperature.

Moreover, not all shedding is bad. In fact, this process helps your pet adapt to temperature changes, as the natural removal of fur prevents overheating.

Communication and Sensory Perception

Apart from being their crowning glory, a dog’s coat serves as a means of communication and sensory perception. Its texture and scent play a role in social interaction and detection of surroundings.

Dogs use body language, including the position and condition of their coat, to communicate with other dogs and humans. Meanwhile, their whiskers and specialized hairs help sense changes in the environment, such as vibrations and changes in air currents.

Indicators of Overall Health

Your pet’s coat and skin are visible indicators of its internal health. They reflect its nutritional status, whether or not it is receiving essential nutrients. A healthy coat also shows hydration levels, helping maintain skin elasticity and preventing dryness or flakiness.

Using Fish Oil for Dog Shedding Problems

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids are crucial in maintaining healthy skin and coat in dogs. Using fish oil for shedding dogs can provide the essential nutrients needed to support their skin health and reduce fur fall.

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate skin conditions that contribute to excessive shedding, such as allergies or infections. Additionally, these fatty acids help moisturize the skin from within, reducing dryness and itchiness that may lead to excessive grooming and shedding.

Nurture Your Dog’s Skin and Coat for Optimal Health

A dog’s skin and coat are more than superficial features; they are indicators of its overall health and well-being. You can ensure your canine companion enjoys a fulfilling life by taking care of them.

Regular grooming, a balanced diet, proper hydration, and veterinary care can provide your pet with healthy skin and a lustrous coat. Further supplement your efforts by giving fish oil for shedding dogs, and soon enough, you’ll see noticeable improvements in coat texture, shedding patterns, and overall well-being.

Give the gift of fish oil for dog shedding. Visit the Stryde Vet blog to learn more about its power.