Smiling adult golden retriever

The Many Omega-3 Benefits for Dogs

Devoted dog owners share an unbreakable bond with their furry companions while ensuring their well-being is a top priority. After all, as pets grow, providing them with the nutrients they need to stay healthy and active is essential. 

To that end, have you ever considered the incredible impact of omega-3 fatty acids, one of the most potent supplements in canine nutrition? Numerous studies highlight the positive effects omega-3 has on your pet's overall well-being.

Our canine friends rely on us to make choices that positively shape their health, especially regarding their diet. Discovering the significance of essential nutrients, like omega-3, becomes a pathway to extending their lifespan and enhancing their quality of life.

What Nutrients Can Canines Get from Fish Oil?

Fish oil in dietary supplements and food contains omega-3 fatty acids, a group of essential polyunsaturated fats. These nutrients produce hormones responsible for controlling blood flow and inflammation while storing energy and helping canine bodies absorb crucial vitamins.

There are three main types of omega-3s: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While ALA is found in plants like flaxseeds and chia seeds, EPA and DHA are primarily sourced from marine oils, such as fresh tuna, salmon, and herring.

Let’s break it down further:

  • Polyunsaturated: While there are different kinds of fat, polyunsaturated means it’s healthy.
  • Essential: Dogs are incapable of producing these on their own. This means their diet must supply all the essential fatty acids for their nutrition.
  • Fatty acids: These fatty acids offer various benefits, such as storing energy, helping control hormones, and assisting the body in absorbing specific vitamins.

Additionally, omega-3s balance the presence of omega-6 fatty acids commonly found in processed food and many grains. Properly balancing these fatty acids is vital, as one won’t cancel out the benefits of the other. For example, omega-6 helps trigger inflammation, which helps the body address an injury. Meanwhile, omega-3 assists the body in calming it down.

Omega-3 Benefits for Dogs

Giving fish oil offers the following health benefits for your canine companion:

Reduces Inflammation & Joint Pain

Joint conditions in dogs are often linked to inflammation and limited mobility, two symptoms that omega-3s can help address. DHA and EPA in fish oil aid in lowering inflammation and wound healing, especially if your pet gets injured and needs enough recovery time.

Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate joint pain and stiffness in dogs. You may notice this if they have difficulty getting up or are slow to move about. Providing your pet with this supplement promotes better mobility and an active lifestyle

Boosts Heart Health

Fish oil can be beneficial to your canine’s heart as well. Its omega-3 fatty acid content has been found to reduce the risk of working at an abnormal rhythm or atrial fibrillation. Its anti-arrhythmic properties are particularly important for irregular heartbeats.

Regulating blood lipid levels is another omega-3 benefit for dogs. It helps reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Having an elevated level of these lipids puts your dog at risk of cardiovascular issues.

Furthermore, omega-3 in fish oil supports the health of blood vessels and promotes arterial function, contributing to blood vessel dilation, resulting in enhanced blood flow and reduced risk of stiffness.

As a powerful ally in promoting heart health, omega-3 helps prevent the formation of excessive blood clots, reducing the risk of thrombosis. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects contribute to a more balanced clotting response.

Aids in Canine’s Cognitive Development

Young dogs, especially puppies, benefit significantly from an omega-3-rich diet, improving their cognitive functions, memory, and learning ability. Similarly, older dogs with cognitive dysfunction recognize family members and other dogs better when given fish oil regularly.

Improves the Ability to Fight Cancer

Omega-3 has been the subject of interest in oncology for its potential role in supporting the body’s ability to fight cancer. While omega-3 is not a cure for cancer, research suggests it is beneficial in prevention and treatment.

The potent anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 help create an environment less conducive to the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Promotes Dog’s Skin and Coat Health

Keep your dog’s skin health and coat shiny with omega-3 fatty acids. It offers various benefits, such as moisturizing and nourishing the skin, reducing itching and redness, and supporting the production of natural oils in the skin.

Moreover, some dogs are prone to allergic reactions, either environmental or food-related. Consuming omega-3 can help manage allergic dermatitis symptoms and support their body’s immune response.

Sources of Omega-3 for Dogs

Fish Oil Supplements

These dietary supplements can come in capsule, liquid, or chewable forms. They are available as natural or synthetic triglyceride oil and ethyl ester oil.

Natural Food Sources

Another source of omega-3 fatty acids for dogs is cold-water fish, such as cooked salmon, cod, sardines, and anchovies.

Alternatively, you can give your dog ground flaxseeds or chia seeds. Ground flaxseed has omega-3 and omega-6, as well as other essential nutrients needed to maintain a balanced canine diet and control your pet’s digestive system.

The small form of chia seeds makes them safe to eat. You can easily add them to your pet’s food or homemade treats. However, we recommend checking your dog for indigestion or allergic reactions from consuming chia seeds.

Commercial Dog Food

While most manufacturers produce dog food from omega-6-rich ingredients, some offer options with omega-3s for the perfect balance. It’s best to read the nutrition label to ensure your pet gets the nutrients they need, including omega-3 fatty acids in dog food.

Keep Your Dog Healthy with Omega-3 in Fish Oil

Omega-3 is more than just a supplement; it’s a key player in supporting your beloved canine companion’s overall health and well-being, from decreasing inflammation to supporting cognitive development. Adding fish oil to your dog’s diet offers a holistic solution with significant results.

We recommend discussing fish oil supplementation with a veterinarian to ensure your pet gets adequate omega-3s. Invest in your dog’s diet, leading them to a happier and more active lifestyle. Whether omega-3 fatty acids in dog food, supplements, or natural sources, the choice is yours.

If you’re looking for a powerful fish oil supplement, Stryde is an excellent option to consider. Visit the Why Stryde page for more details about our supplement, and get expert advice on canine health and nutrition from our blog.